Browser Version - Fem Dom Manuals.

by Christine Stevenson.

Released on CD April 1998!


My Fem Dom Manuals were so popular in book form that I decided to put both parts together and make them into one Big Web Book.

If you haven't already read about the text version of these manuals, then press the button below, and come back and read this later.

I have added graphics to them, and had a Spanish slave translate them into Spanish.

Both the English and Spanish versions are of course the same price. Indeed if you are bilingual just let us know and we will let you have both language versions when you order at no extra charge.

We have packed the 43 sexy graphics files, and the 42 text (.htm) files into one big compressed program file.
(the bilingual version is even bigger still and has a total of 127 files).

We can deliver the software to you on disk, or by email file attachment. After delivery, you run the program to unpack the files on your hard disk. Then without going on line you fire up your browser, and start browsing my books. It is a simple, and as exciting as that.

The Fem Dom Training software is a quite different product. It is an interactive computer program which is based on the material from four books plus additional material. It is designed to be used on a daily or regular basis for idea generation in the context of a given situation. This is quite different from reading a web book itself.

What is different between the two products is largely the style of presentation and the addition of graphics to the browser version of the manuals.

The browser version is more like browsing a book on screen as though you were reading it on a web site.

The Browser - web book version of the Fem Dom Manuals costs US$64
(or GBP/STG 40 pounds)

Buy the Web Version of My Manuals


Copyright © 1986-2003 Christine and David Stevenson